Achieve Your Goals With Our Customer Success Team

We're here to help you grow every step of the way

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Our Customer Success Managers Work to Drive Your Success

eSpatial's customer success team will provide you with personalized and specialized assistance. Because we value your time, you can expect us to get back to you quickly. Because your business presents unique challenges, we’ll leverage our knowledge and experience across the team to bring you the right solution.

Andrew Merriman

Part of the team at eSpatial for over 2 years, Andrew leverages his expertise in mapping software to help clients unlock the full potential of their spatial data. With an educational background in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and a deep understanding of spatial analysis, Andrew provides expert technical support to eSpatial's diverse clientele. His in-depth knowledge of mapping software and problem-solving abilities ensure that customers receive prompt and effective assistance.

Outside of work, Andrew has been playing for his local football team for the past 18 years and is an avid follower of the Irish National football team.

Dave Flynn

With over 11 years of experience in mapping and 7 years specializing in eSpatial, Dave brings a deep well of knowledge and expertise to Customer Success at eSpatial. Dave has a passion for leveraging mapping software to deliver innovative solutions, and playing a pivotal role in helping clients navigate their unique challenges.

In eSpatial, Dave expertly manages a diverse portfolio of clients, ensuring they maximize the benefits of eSpatial’s cutting-edge mapping tools. Dave is a trusted customer adviser for companies from Fortune 500 to non-profit organizations.

Outside of the office, Dave is passionate about football and serves as an Audio Descriptive Commentary at matches, showcasing his commitment to the sport and his community.

Jenny Kelly

Jenny leads a dedicated team of customer success professionals at eSpatial who are focused on maximizing customer value through on-boarding, training, support and consultation, and who are committed to offering exception customer experiences.

Jenny has been a key member of the eSpatial team for over 10 years. Before leading the team Jenny worked as a Customer Success Manager at eSpatial and was responsible for managing some of our largest customers, giving her a deeper understanding of what our customers need and how to deliver it.

Jenny is a people person and outside of work loves spending time with friends and family, and staying up to date on the football league tables.

Rachel Dunphy

Rachel has been a dedicated member of the eSpatial team for over five years. During this time, she has consistently focused on helping our customers achieve success in their mapping endeavors. With a strong educational background in GIS and extensive experience gained over the past five years, Rachel has developed a vast knowledge of mapping. Her attention to detail and expertise enable her to support customers effectively, ensuring the success of their projects.

Rachel is an avid hiker who loves exploring the hills and trails of Ireland, and in recent years, she has also ventured to the mountains of Peru and Kilimanjaro. When she's not out in nature, she enjoys immersing herself in a good book.

Shane Lalor

With a remarkable 25-year career in the mapping software industry, Shane Lalor brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role as Customer Success Manager at eSpatial. His passion for mapping and his knack for understanding customer needs have driven his successful career.

Shane manages some of our largest enterprises in his current role, helping them leverage mapping software to solve their unique challenges. His customer-centric approach and exceptional problem-solving skills have consistently resulted in high customer retention and satisfaction rates. Shane is also an all-around great guy who loves sharing his knowledge with colleagues. His dedication to professional development is evident through his numerous certifications and his active participation in industry conferences and workshops.

Outside of work, Shane likes spending time with family. He is also an avid reader with quite the book collection. He also trains and teaches Karate as he has done for almost 40 years now. He is also known for his quick wit, so customers enjoy working with him.

Your Success is Our Passion

When you become an eSpatial customer, you can expect world-class Onboarding and support from a team of committed mapping experts.

Our comprehensive onboarding process is a series of steps and a strategic tool to help you develop your mapping plans and workflows. It's designed to accelerate your mapping goals, ensuring you get the most value from eSpatial as quickly as possible.

Step 1


During Phase One-Discovery, your dedicated Customer Success Manager will engage in a personalized, one-to-one call with you and your team. This tailored approach is designed to understand your unique objectives and timescales, ensuring our support aligns perfectly with your needs. It is your opportunity to clarify what support you need and when.

The Plan

The outcome is a mutually agreed plan and schedule outlining every step needed for a successful execution.

Step 2


We ensure your account is set up and ready to start mapping projects. Once confirmed, you can proceed to our flexible, hands-on training and coaching. This flexibility empowers you to adjust the plan to suit your pace and preferences, putting you in control of your onboarding journey.

Step 3

Hands-on Training

Your users will benefit from comprehensive training and coaching. We cover all the mapping software basics and ensure you are confident map makers.

We also get access to an extensive knowledge center.

Step 4

Progress Review

We know from onboarding thousands of customers that the initial onboarding process can feel a little overwhelming. There is a lot to take on board and learn.

To ensure your ongoing success, you can schedule a follow-up training and progress review call 2-4 weeks after your initial session.

We will work with you to assess your progress and, more importantly, refine the plan to ensure you meet your mapping goals on schedule.

Step 5

Ongoing Support

At eSpatial, we believe in building long-term relationships with our customers. That's why our support continues after the onboarding process. We're here to assist you throughout your eSpatial journey, providing continuous reassurance and support to ensure you always feel supported in your mapping goals.

And remember, you get to deal with real people in real-time. You can access product and technical support and discuss your ever-evolving plans for integrating maps into your workflows.

You can access our live chat anytime to talk to a mapping expert. We are always available for ongoing training and support, ensuring you never feel alone in your eSpatial journey. We have designed a comprehensive onboarding process to help you enjoy the most value from eSpatial as quickly as possible.

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