iSMART® is eSpatial's on-premises, server-based GIS software, providing enterprise-grade GIS functionality accessed via a web browser.
Leading government, public utility and commercial organisations all over the world have chosen iSMART for their enterprise GIS – are you ready to join them?

iSMART includes the following components:
- iSMART Web GIS: A pure-web rich GIS tool built using the iSMART web APIs. The application may be customised or extended, or its source referenced by developers.
- iSMART Server: A scalable, secure, transactional, multi-user server providing web services for spatial applications. The server runs within standard Enterprise Java (J2EE/servlet container) application servers, and uses Oracle Spatial / Locator databases.
iSMART Developer:
- iSMART Web API: A javascript AJAX API for rapid development of spatially-enabled interactive web applications, including spatial editing.
- iSMART Java API: A rich set of Java objects for custom application development.
- Documentation and sample applications.
iSMART® provides full, enterprise-grade GIS functionality that is used by experts every day.
Key features include:
- Web-based interface: Users access all functionality via a web browser, which uses AJAX. No Active-X controls, plug-ins, applets or downloads required.
- Viewing: Including pan, zoom, attribute information, measurement. Layer visibility and precedence can be set by administrators and customised by users. Users can save and view Map Bookmarks.
- Geographic business intelligence & analysis: Including search, query builder, graphs and charts, parameterised reports, exports to Excel, and regional "drill-down".
- Labelling options: Include label positioning and rotation, font, scalable labels, halo, box, anchor point, offset, duplicate text suppression (with user toggle), partial object labelling, clash detection, user session changes to label style, SQL query based labels (including multiple database columns), and option in Layer Control to display labels only for particular layers.
- Editing: Full editing capabilities for the complete range of geometry features; a wide range of spatial editing functions like attribute entry, draw, move, offset, delete, union/merge, vertex editing, coordinate / distance and angle entry, copy and paste, merge, split, rotate & graphic grouping. Includes session management, undo & redo, locking, and the ability to keep edits private until approved by a designated supervisor.
- Dynamic snapping: Including several snap options and auto-trace.
- Data rules engine: Allowing administrators to define powerful rules to validate data, and users to run rules, and review and correct rule exceptions.
- Printing: Map plotting with a user interface to customise print layouts. This includes the ability to deliver vector data in PDF files to the web browser for plotting to scale.
- Map styling: Administrators can define display and print map styles (including lines, fills, text and symbols & scale-dependency), and for users to define personal styles. Layers may be styled by attribute.
- Thematics: Users can define and display thematic queries, including by range, discrete values, database joins, and spatial & SQL functions.
- Role-based access control for data sets, maps, print templates & application functions.
- Temporal mark-up and analysis of spatial data.
- Metadata: View and search metadata to quickly find useful spatial data sets. Administrators may define metadata profiles corresponding to metadata standards such as ISO 19115 and ISO 15836 ("Dublin Core"), FGDC, GEMINI/ eGMS, and custom profiles.
- Web-based administration: User-friendly web-based setup of spatial data from Oracle and geospatial web services, including definition of maps, styling, metadata and end-user permissions.
- Standards-based security: Including access control to data and functions by user role, and LDAP / Active Directory support.
- Auditing of all data changes, including configuration.
- Network Data Modelling tools: For Oracle Network Data Model, or custom network data schemas.
Technical Specification
Database server
Oracle 12c, 11g (R2), or 10g (R2). May use Oracle Spatial option (full spatial functionality), or Locator (some limitations on advanced functionality).
Application server
Fully supported Enterprise Java application servers: Apache Tomcat 6.0/7.0 (with Java 1.6/1.7), Oracle WebLogic '11g' 10.3 (with Java 1.6) and '12c' (with Java 1.8)
Supported operating systems
Linux Red Hat (64 bit) and derivatives, Windows Server 2008/2012 (64 bit), Solaris 10 (SPARC), Windows 7
Hardware requirements
The web application server on which iSMART is installed must have an Intel or compatible x86-64 64-bit CPU architecture, or Solaris operating system on a SPARC CPU.
Hardware requirements depend on expected user numbers, data sizes, usage patterns etc. iSMART is typically deployed with separate application and database servers. Multiple application servers may be used for scalability and fail-over. Separate front-end web servers may also be deployed.
A typical application server would have a 4 core (2.5 GHz, hyper-threading) 64-bit CPU (or equivalent 8 vCPU), 7-12 GB RAM, 200 GB Disk.
A typical database server would also have RAID disk array, >100GB capacity.
Download a printable data sheet
iSMART v6.3 Data Sheet [PDF, 227KB]
Who Uses iSMART
Leading government, public utility and commercial organisations all over the world have chosen iSMART®. They include:
Northern Powergrid, UK
Northern Powergrid has adopted iSMART as the 'office GIS' application within their suite of asset management systems. It is used to record and maintain data on their electricity network serving 8 million people across the North East, Yorkshire and northern Lincolnshire.
Verizon, United States
Verizon's Enterprise Geospatial Application (VEGA) is an award-winning web application for telecommunications network planning.
Download the Verizon case study [PDF, 187KB]
EPCOR Utilities Inc., Canada
Increasing efficiences with a mobile web mapping solution.
Download the EPCOR case study [PDF, 213KB]
Borough of Croydon, UK
Delivering location information internally within the council, as well as to the public via a web-based portal.
Download the Croydon Council case study [PDF, 171KB]
Hull City Council, UK
Improving internal efficiencies and customer services with web-based applications.
Download the Hull City Council case study [PDF, 697KB]
Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine (DAFM), Ireland
Streamlining grant application and payment processing.
Download the DAFM case study [PDF, 189KB]
Forestry Service, Ireland
Providing forestry grant applications with an online facility to submit Forestry Plantation Approval applications.
Download the Forestry Service case study [PDF, 487KB]
Dublin Bus, Ireland
Creating and updating bus stop information.
Download the Dublin Bus case study [PDF, 442KB]